: The Years Topics & Events :

[current interests.]

: 2015 :

My accomplishments, while participating in One Game A Month thus far, are briefly consolidated within the following video.
OGAM Year 3 & (8000 lines of code).

: 2014 :

An illusive obsession ... ZBrush 4R6, to create alluring assets for my indie games.

A new Hope ... Unity Game Engine, for creating indie games on the the web and hopefully the XBox 360.

Building to the teeth. As this year has progressed, I have added much to my toolset, and lucky for me to have also found a challenge that will inspire me further towards my new found talents. Battle of the Titans is the contest they have offered. This is my, ramp it up, Titan Page.

More to come ... with, Allegorithmic.

: 2013 :

Also, a related quest begins at Global Game Jam, #GGJ13.

My adventures continue at XBOX LIVE indie games, creating indie games for the XBox 360.

During 2013, my opportunity to participate in One Game A Month, @OneGameAMonth, #1GAM, as FarNiche, (actually Far_Niche, but really FarNiche) is my affordance to expand my entrepreneurial endeavors. Taking up the challenge and creating one game a month, every month for the entire year, becomes my expression through skills, knowledge, abilities... and stamina.

Survive the One Game A Month challenge.
Ludum Dare 21 Keynote by McFunkypants
Towards the beginning and end is a jinx elf voice that pops in and out which is disconcerting, but as a whole the light hearted approach explains that away.

Voices of the Devs – Christer Kaitila (Charity Game Jam)
An IGM radio interview with Christer Kaitila (aka McFunkypants), very insightful, "Trope?"

: 2012 :

During 2012, Prototype, is a collection of previously made programs coordinated into a loosely bound GDD, Game Design Document.
2012 Synopsis : I've learned a few new tricks this year and had some things just become apparent, the first would be that this website will continue to evolve and grow, while others being; to WordPress a blog about once a month, build a Facebook presence, connect with others through Twitter, and to build some media suitable for YouTube. Then there has been an increase to the capacity on Xbox LIVE Indie Games(the new APP HUB?), with the subscription allotment, to build 20 "indie" games at 500 megabytes each. I have also found that for all the programs, game stubs, projects and solutions that I have written or re-created, none of them have become a completed game. Thus 2013.