The Plot: "Mission Unknown".
[the game.]In the vastness of space lie untold resourses where all their numbers deny permanents to their place in time. Destinies rise and have been feld as the numbers divide amongst them all attainable resourses, casting ripples outward, exposing their true power. Through these waves they are no longer hidden and have found no recourse, save that, that they together, continue to move through time. One, that was thought to be a number, broke free of the limits from time, and in doing so, could no longer control the division of resources in both time and space. Control over the numbers themselves became its form and name. But in this form of powerlessness, its division became absolute, not only from the resourses but from all other numbers, where only nothing is divided against it. Beginning before any of all that is known, its shape has found design in what it is no longer, infinite magnitude soley lacking velocity, the unattainable niche. Now from before, and through to beyond the vast chaos, the power of pure entropy has come to restore . . .
Far Niche.

The Soul-juoru: "Soldier or Sojourner?"
[the cast.]Given a choice,

Ceteris Paribus,

I have no choice.


the recursive Dilemma exists at . . .

any Zeroth Option.

From, To, or Through?

The Soul-juoru: "One Individual, Two Sides, Three Traits".
[the character.]Combining Spirit , Mind
and Body
, the Soul-juoru
, a member of all sojourners, reconciles existence through a convergence of these three. At this point, the sojourner comes into being as a Soul-juoru and steps into the game. They find themselves somewhere in-between Heresy
and Treason
, where, therein, the character enacts consideration to their position within this torrid domain. This new Abode is then further exemplified as the Soul-juorus' Habiture-Resilience, a tumultuous place within themselves.
Trait | Negative Slope | Positive Slope |
SPIRIT: | Abandon - Relinquishing of focus culminating in failure of the mission. | Resolve - Comprehension distinguishing relevancy which evolve the mission. |
MIND: | Malaise - Inability to exude derivatives of any decision. | Vigilance - Opportunistic assertions from collected decisions. |
BODY: | Lethargy - Reluctant involvement by only contemplative considerations. | Exuberance - Adroit deployment as animated personal dynamism. |
And as so, the story goes. . .
Singularly, the Habiture Resilience is how each Soul-juorus' day is met. Collectively, it is how the mission de jour is affected by involving the contributions of each individual. The waves of internal highs and lows produce the external subtleties that contour game play and build an immutable plot throughout the story line. Each character, then evolves skills that corroborate each others existence through commonality and, in so doing, become capable of linking combinations of skills, which becomes the design they observe as the path forward to insure their survival.

But unlike the checkered field of chess,
FarNiche builds game play by envolving 2D, 2.5D and 3D playing fields.

The Scapes: "Space, Air, Land, Sea".
[the environment.]The fringes of the Known, Accessible and Habitable Universe are where the Soul-juoru will stand or fall.
Orbital Systems.

SpaceWar II

SpaceShooter II
Planet (image/texture maps) from NASA.


Tank On A Heightmap II

The Plot: "Mission Elucidation ": - [ Emmetropia ] -
[the axioms.]Homeostatic Evolution: - [ Contour Grid ] -
- Delta Coordinates: - [ Fields ] -
- Realmic Environments: - [ Holds ] -
- Eclectic Aspirations: - [ Camps ] -
- Doctrinal Assertions: - [ Beliefs ] -
- Epochal Reasonings: - [ Fortitude ] -
Applied Manifest: - [ Essence ] -
Fields: - [ Delta Coordinates ] -
- Home:
- Quadrant:
- Planetary:
- Solaric:
- Galactic:
- Universal:
Holds: - [ Realmic Environments ] -
- Residential:
- Commercial:
- Industrial:
- Technological:
- Tactical:
- DreamThreshold:
Camps: - [ Eclectic Aspirations ] -
- Resource:
- Products:
- Objectives:
- Directives:
- Conjuncture:
- Strategia:
Beliefs: - [ Doctrinal Assertions ] -
- Religion:
- Business:
- Government:
- Headquarters:
- Consortium:
- Plenum:
Fortitude: - [ Epochal Reasonings ] -
- Crafts:
- Trades:
- Economies:
- Engineering:
- Sciences:
- Overlords:
Conceptual Theory: - [ Amorphous ] -
- Home:
- Residential:
- Resource:
- Religion:
- Crafts:
- Quadrant:
- Commercial:
- Products:
- Business:
- Trades:
- Planetary:
- Industrial:
- Objectives:
- Government:
- Economies:
- Solaric:
- Technological:
- Directives:
- Headquarters:
- Engineering:
- Galactic:
- Tactical:
- Conjuncture:
- Consortium:
- Sciences:
- Universal:
- DreamThreshold:
- Strategia:
- Plenum:
- Overlords:
Mediated Translations: - [ Tactile ] -
[the skills.]Command








